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The Wild Colonial Boy


            C                  F      G7                       C

Verse 1:    There was a wild colonial boy, Jack Duggan was his name

                                      G             G7                 C

            He was born and raised in Ireland, in a place called Castlemaine

                                G             G7                 C

            He was his father's only son, his mother's pride and joy

                               F       G                 G7   C

            And dearly did his parents love the wild colonial boy



Verse 2:    At the early age of sixteen years he left his native home

            And to Australia's sunny shore, he was inclined to roam

            He robbed the rich, he helped the poor, he shot James MacEvoy

            A terror to Australia was the wild colonial boy


Verse 3:    One morning on the prairie, as Jack he rode along

            A-listening to the mocking bird, a-singing a cheerful song

            Up stepped a band of troopers: Kelly, Davis and Fitzroy

            They all set out to capture him, the wild colonial boy


Verse 4:    Surrender now, Jack Duggan, for you see we're three to one

            Surrender in the King's high name, you are a plundering son

            Jack drew two pistols from his belt, he proudly waved them high

            I'll fight, but not surrender, said the wild colonial boy


Verse 5:    He fired a shot at Kelly, which brought him to the ground

            And turning round to Davis, he received a fatal wound

            A bullet pierced his proud young heart, from the pistol of Fitzroy

            And that was how they captured him, the wild colonial boy



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